New Euro currency minting began
Slovak currency minting began
Attempts of direct leaching and surface extraction of lean gold-silver ores
Renewal of the geological survey in the quarry Šturec
First year of the festival of satire and humor Kremnické gagy took place
First year of cross-country skiing competition Biela Stopa SNP (White track of SNP)
Underground mining of gold and silver ceased in Kremnica
Establishment of the School of Applied Arts with the subjects of - engraving, smithery, casting, jewellery
Opening of the psychiatric hospital
Mint lost its monopoly on purifying precious metals
Retreating German army burned parts of the town with phosphor
Opening of the 100m long swimming pool, the only one in Czecho-Slovakia
First Czecho-Slovak president T.G.Masaryk visited the town
New machinery for minting Czecho-Slovak coins was installed
First Hungary-wide competition in cross-country skiing and ski jumping took place>
Unique underground power-plant was built in the shaft No. IV in the depth of 245m
Another health care institute was established - Hearing impaired institute>
Stagnation and crisis of mining in Kremnica lead to the notion of selling or renting the Kremnica mining company
Establishment of National History Museum
Mining engineer and inventor Pavol Križko installed the public electrical lighting - the first in Hungary and the first public phone
During the great reconstruction of the mint, new buildings of the rolling mill, metallurgical workshops, purification and hardening plants and boiler house were added to the medieval buildings
Church of Virgin Mary on the square was demolished due to the problems with statics, undermining
The town won a lawsuit with the state over the forests
Parent to all sport societies, the Ice-skating society was established
Composer Ján Levoslav Bella composed a symphonic poem Destiny and ideal in Kremnica
Together with the painter Béla Angyal new artistic movements came into town
Kremnica was connected to the railway Budapest - Bohumín
Mining doctor and writer Gustáv Kazimír Zechenter-Laskomerský came into the town, where he lived and died in 1908
Grammar school in Kremnica was established
Emperor Franz Joseph I visited the town
Juraj Langsfeld, the Slovak volunteering officer was executed in Kremnica
Clash between Austrian and Hungarian Honvéd armies took place near Dolný Turček
Establishment of Casino society, who’s members were busy with reading and playing parlor games
For 90 years the Main dedičná shaft was dug to conduct mining waters to the river Hron
Machines were installed in the paper-mill thus becoming the first Hungarian paper factory
The poet Ján Kollár studied at the evangelical grammar school>
The largest fire in the town’s history destroyed all the churches and buildings on the square together with fortification towers
Famous stoneware manufacture was opened and operated until 1956
Duke of Austria Maximilian visited Kremnica
Opening of the catholic grammar school lead by Franciscans
Sculptors Dionysus Staneti, Martin Vögerle and Anton Mayer worked on the construction of the monumental plaque column
The town welcomed the king Joseph II and his brother Leopold
Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor and Grand Duke of Tuscany, husband of Maria Theresa visited Kremnica
Calvary with a small church of st. Cross was built on the hill Schulersberg west of the town
Charles de Montesquieu, the famous French philosopher visited Kremnica
Plaque raged in the town and its surroundings
Efficient screw presses were introduced in the mint
After the departure of Rákoci’s rebels the local churches were returned to the catholics
Kremnica fell into the hands of Rákoci’s rebels for the period of 5 years
Turks invaded Kunešov, Lúčky and Veterník taking at least 30 people captive
Tököli’s rebels besieged Kremnica
From this year come the oldest statutes of the burghers’ shooting society
Edward Brown, the famous English scholar visited Kremnica
Meeting of Wesselény anti-Habsburg rebels in Turčianske Teplice, which belonged under Kremnica
Franciscans arrived to Kremnica and built a church and monastery starting a re-catholicization
50 miners died in a great fire in Altermann’s shaft
Bočkaj’s rebels invaded the Lower street and surrounding villages killing many, arresting some and selling them to the Turkish capture
Introduction of a new type of the mining carriage, so called “riesen” transport spreading to other parts of Europe from here
Great fire destroyed 2 churches and 64 houses
Official declaration of the protestant creed of the central Slovakian mining towns (Confesio heptapolitana)
Kremnica was visited by the famous humanist and alchemist Paracelsus
Foundation of the state Royal gold mining company (Goldkunsthandlung) taking over most of the private mines
The oldest codification of the town’s rights
The oldest mention of the famous protestant town school
First lutheran preacher Konrád Cordatus in the town
Construction of Turček waterline feeding the water from Turec to Kremnica’s mining and minting plants
Codification of Kremnica’s mining right
The oldest documented guild of Kremnica - the regulations of the shoemaker journeymen guild
Czech Hussites unsuccessfully attacked Kremnica, but looted the outskirts
King Sigismund sold 4 villages belonging to the royal chamber to Kremnica - Kunešov, Lúčky, Horná Ves and Šváb, thus completing the town estate
Kremnica was awarded the right for markets, according to which the markets could take place in town for two days in a week
Construction of the town walls
Kremnica was granted the capital right - the right to judge and punish criminals and bandits
The oldest preserved document of Kremnica minters’ privileges
First council of the Union of the central Slovakian mining towns in Banská Štiavnica lead by Kremnica
Dedičná shaft used for draining the mining works mentioned for the first time
At the southern border of the town the oldest town hospital with the gothic church of St. Elisabeth1385Dedičná shaft used for draining the mining works mentioned for the first time
Building of the town castle with defense bastions, ecclesiastic buildings (St. Catharine church, St. Michael’s rotunda) and administrative buildings (town hall, school, parish)
The mint starts producing golden florins (ducats)
In the oldest preserved town document the ironworks, mining and stumping mills are mentioned
Ruler Charls Robert of Anjou awards Kremnica the town privileges
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