Welcome to Kremnica

Kremnica is commonly attributed as golden. The coins minted in the past supported many rulers. The historical picture of Kremnica is made of the mosaic of stories hidden in every street and house...

Town Castle

It comprises of a complex of buildings from the 14th - 15th century and is protected by the double fortifications which are linked with one of the best preserved town walls in Slovakia.

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Skalka relax centrum

Prepared to serve to professional and also recreational sportsmen all year round. The most popular and most visited part of the facility is wellness, which allows to regenerate your body after more or less intensive training.

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Kremnica GAGS

The international show of polite humour, independent satire and cheerful recession of the old tradition (1981) takes place here every year in the end of August.

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Kremnica Castle Organ

This European Organ Festival takes place on ground of Town Castle in St. Catherine Church on Sundays in July and August every year

The concert organ Rieger-Kloss from 1992 is installed in this church. The organ, thanks to its dispositions (contains more than 3500 pipes and 60 registers) enables to realize interpretations of the most demanding compositions of organ literature. The Castle and Church's architecture, the concert organ and the church's interior acoustics create unique combination, which can not be found anywhere else in Slovakia. The organists from the most significant cathedrals in Vatican, London, Vienna and the winners of the most prestigious international organ contests give concerts regularly during the festival. The festival's musicians are known worldwide. Organists from more than twenty countries of Europe, North America and Asia have given concerts during the festivals. Kremnica Castle Organ Festival prefers the modern view at organ art. It presents organ interpretation and literature by its creative way and has become the real center of the organ art in Slovakia.