Welcome to Kremnica

Kremnica is commonly attributed as golden. The coins minted in the past supported many rulers. The historical picture of Kremnica is made of the mosaic of stories hidden in every street and house...

Town Castle

It comprises of a complex of buildings from the 14th - 15th century and is protected by the double fortifications which are linked with one of the best preserved town walls in Slovakia.

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Skalka relax centrum

Prepared to serve to professional and also recreational sportsmen all year round. The most popular and most visited part of the facility is wellness, which allows to regenerate your body after more or less intensive training.

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Kremnica GAGS

The international show of polite humour, independent satire and cheerful recession of the old tradition (1981) takes place here every year in the end of August.

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St. Trinity column (plaque)

Monumental column of St. Trinity is one of the most important baroque sights in Slovakia

It was built in 1765-72 as the initiative of the town in front of the parish church of Blessed Virgin Mary, where it replaced the older column from 1710. The original plaque column stands in front of the municipal office in Horná Ves. The magistrate commissioned with this demanding job two sculptor's studios - studio of Kremnica's burgher D.I. Staneti and Austrian sculptor M. Vogerle of Bruck. After the death of both masters the column was finished by A. Mayer, I. Götz and J. Jenitzer. The artistic value of this piece of art is amplified by its complex idea taking the protection against plaque into consideration together with the town's specifics (miners' and town patrons - St. Barbara, St. Catherine, St. Clement) with anti-reformation drive (St. Anthony of Padua, St. Joseph, St. Francis Xavier).

Larger-than-life statues of saints

Dedicated to st. Trinity and Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary St. Trinity (sitting God Father, Christ on his right, dove the symbol of the Holy Ghost) Archangel Gabriel (messenger, holding lily in his hand) Immaculata (Virgin Mary standing on the globe wound by a snake, gloriole around her head with 12 stars)

Miners' patrons

St. Catherine (atributes: wheel, book, martyr's veil and a sword)
St. Barbara (holding a tower, chalice and olive twig)
St. Clement (in papal dress, cross in one hand and crossed hammers in the other)
St. Joseph (foster father)
St. Anthony of Padua (holding Christ Child, Jesuit saint)
St. Francis Xavier

Protection against plaque

St. Sebastian
St. Rochus (pilgrim, holding a stick, bag on his shoulder)
St. Charles Borromeo
St. Rozalia


David's sin
Escape from Egypt
Adoration of the Magi
Fight of Jews against Amalekites

Out of view

Visitation Joseph and his brothers

Seraph - angel with head only
Putti - angel with body