Welcome to Kremnica

Kremnica is commonly attributed as golden. The coins minted in the past supported many rulers. The historical picture of Kremnica is made of the mosaic of stories hidden in every street and house...

Town Castle

It comprises of a complex of buildings from the 14th - 15th century and is protected by the double fortifications which are linked with one of the best preserved town walls in Slovakia.

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Skalka relax centrum

Prepared to serve to professional and also recreational sportsmen all year round. The most popular and most visited part of the facility is wellness, which allows to regenerate your body after more or less intensive training.

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Kremnica GAGS

The international show of polite humour, independent satire and cheerful recession of the old tradition (1981) takes place here every year in the end of August.

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Ski museum

The town of Kremnica in cooperation with the Slovak Association of Physical Culture (Museum of Coins and Medals transferred Skiing Fund to it) opened to public the History of Skiing in Slovakia Exposition in the Culture and Information Centre in 2003.

Since 2003, the exposition is installed in Bella´s house. The first part of the exposition is dedicated to the history of this sport in our region. Except that, the exposition provides visitors with the opportunity to get familiar with the new gains of the acquisition activities. The most valuable ones are the gains of the Olympians - Daniel Šlachta, Štefan Harvan, Rudolf Čillík, Anna Pasiarová, Radoslav Židek and the cross-country skier Martin Bajčičák. The second part is the exposition "Kremnica - the slovak Semering" showing the visitors the history of skiing in Kremnica. 

Štefánikovo nám. 14
967 01 Kremnica
11.00 - 15.00 Friday - Sunday (in case of interest on Tuesday - Thursday, min 5 persons, just call 00421 2 44372427 in advance