Welcome to Kremnica

Kremnica is commonly attributed as golden. The coins minted in the past supported many rulers. The historical picture of Kremnica is made of the mosaic of stories hidden in every street and house...

Town Castle

It comprises of a complex of buildings from the 14th - 15th century and is protected by the double fortifications which are linked with one of the best preserved town walls in Slovakia.

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Skalka relax centrum

Prepared to serve to professional and also recreational sportsmen all year round. The most popular and most visited part of the facility is wellness, which allows to regenerate your body after more or less intensive training.

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Kremnica GAGS

The international show of polite humour, independent satire and cheerful recession of the old tradition (1981) takes place here every year in the end of August.

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Hruz's Memorial

It is the volleyball tournament of mixed teams, which always takes place in June. It was originated in honor of Jozef Hruz, a member of Kremnica volleyball team, who tragically died during car accident, when was 25 years old, in 1957. The volleyball tournament of men teams was originated by his friends and team-mates. The first tournament took place on the athletic playground in Kremnica, in 1958. Eight teams participated in - volleyball players from Martin, Žilina, Detva, Kremnica, Banská Štiavnica, Liptovský Mikuláš and Ružomberok. During the first years the Kremnica members were: Ján Jasenský, Anton Tokár, Imrich Fodor, Andrej Párička, Ivan Nemečkaj, Kazimír Kvietok, Pavol Peto and Juraj Hromada, who was a member of Slávia UK Bratislava during that time. He supported the Kremnica team with some prominent players - Jozef Labuda, Roman Rjachovský, Miroslav Golian, Bohuš Golian and Pavol Vician. During the previous 50 years of the tournament organizing teams as Slávia UK Bratislava, Bielsko-Biala, Dukla Martin and other have played here. There were representants of Slovakia and also World Cup champions among them. On average, 160 of amateur and the 1st League and Extra League registered players of 20 teams participate in during the tournament.