Welcome to Kremnica

Kremnica is commonly attributed as golden. The coins minted in the past supported many rulers. The historical picture of Kremnica is made of the mosaic of stories hidden in every street and house...

Town Castle

It comprises of a complex of buildings from the 14th - 15th century and is protected by the double fortifications which are linked with one of the best preserved town walls in Slovakia.

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Skalka relax centrum

Prepared to serve to professional and also recreational sportsmen all year round. The most popular and most visited part of the facility is wellness, which allows to regenerate your body after more or less intensive training.

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Kremnica GAGS

The international show of polite humour, independent satire and cheerful recession of the old tradition (1981) takes place here every year in the end of August.

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Museum of coins and medals

The Museum of coins and medals in Kremnica belong among the oldest in Slovakia. It was founded by an archivist Pavol Križko as the National History Museum in 1890.

The institution became focused and specialized in the field of numismatics in 1976. Thanks to that it became an integrant of the National Bank of Slovakia in 1994. There are valueable showpieces from the field of numismatics, medal-making, national history and fine art - more than ninety thousands of articles are in the collection fund.

The numismatic-historical exhibition Obverse and Reverse of Coins - Coins and Medals in the History of Slovakia is installed on five floors of a late gothic burghers' house. During the introduction visitors meet with the town's history, get to know about the mint establishment by Charles Robert of Anjou, about the most important crafts and guilds, but also about the burghers' everyday life. A separate part is dedicated to the authorities visits. Two floors of the exhibitions in the underground are focused on the history of mining and metallurgy in Kremnica. The authentic atmosphere of mining is presented by different kinds of shafts especially. It is complemented by the exhibits related to miners and metallurgists' profession.

The largest part of the exhibition is dedicated to the history of coins in Slovakia. Visitors can get to know the different kinds of currencies used on our territory - from before the mint period, Celtic, Roman or Great Moravian through minting of the Kremnica's mint up to today's bank notes and coins. Visitors can survey valuable findings of coins, minting tools and devices, but also epochal engravings, documents, paintings, all kinds of articles more-less related to coins - wallets, purses, money-boxes, jewelry made of coins, etc. The history of medals in Slovakia is presented in the loft. There are Kremnica's medals from renaissance until today in the exhibition collection. A collection of medals, created by some prominent medal-makers on an International Symposium of Medals is remarkable. The museum organizes the symposium since 1983. The Exhibition Cabinet of the Numismatic Exhibition represents a room/area for occasional exhibitions of artists, mostly medal-makers and sculptors. Visitors can try minting of coins.

Štefánikovo nám. 10/19

Tel: +421 (0)45 / 6742696
june - september  08.30 - 17.30 Tuesday - Sunday
october - may        09.00 - 16.30 Tuesday - Saturday


An unique museum exhibition represents national cultural landmark – The Town Castle. It is a complex of medieval structures from 14th-15th century, protected by double fortifications. The ground’s dominant structure is the St. Catherine’s Church, who was the town’s patron. Renaissance is represented by the part of the interior equipment and mainly the church’s tower. It provides a spectacular view of the ancient town’s panorama and its surroundings. The ossuary with charnel house is the oldest architectural landmark of the town’s ground from the beginning of 14th century. 

The Museum offers the visitors also art-historical exhibitions: the Baroque sculptures on the ground of the Town’s Castle’s Town Hall, exhibitions of the castle archeological research and the town defence in the Northern tower, the Kremnica’s bells and bell-casters in the Small clock tower.

The Museum prepares all kinds of cultural events for the public. Visitors can discover the wealth hidden in the Museum’s collections. A May Night of Museums belongs among the traditional events, organized on the occasion of the International Day of Museums. During the summer time visitors can look forward to series of night showcases - the Summer Night of Muses. For music lovers there are concerts of all genres (organ music, classical music, jazz) in the St. Catherine’s Church. The Museum also offers educational programmes for schools or creative workshops for kids.

Zámocké nám. 568/1
Tel: +421 (0)45 / 6743968
june - september    08.30 - 17.30 Tuesday - Sunday 
october - may          09.00 - 16.30  Tuesday - Saturday

Dlhodobá výstava Pôvab kameninových záhrad predstavuje produkciu kremnickej kameninovej továrne, ktorá pracovala približne jeden a pol storočia (1815 - 1956). Jej výrobky boli vďaka vysokej kvalite tohto typu keramiky, tvorivej invencii a originalite expedované do celého sveta. Kto už dnes vie, či vtedajší úspech neovplyvnila skutočnosť, že vo svete mužov - továrnikov na čele kremnickej kameninovej továrne stála niekoľko krát žena. K najatraktívnejším produktom továrne patria výrobky z obdobia secesie, inštalované na výstave ako záhony kvetov v záhrade. V meštianskom dome je vystavených 800 unikátnych exponátov, ktoré vyšli z dielne kremnickej kameninovej továrne.

The long-term exhibition The enchantment of stoneware gardens presents the history of the production of Kremnica Stoneware , which operated on this site for almost one and a half century( 1815-1956 ) . Due to its high quality, the stoneware was shipped worldwide. Products frome the Art Nouveau preriod count to the most attractive, and they were installed as beds of flowers in the garden . There is exposed to 800 unique exhibits , which come from the workshop of Kremnica stoneware .

Štefánikovo nám. 32/38
Tel: +421 (0)45 / 6744165
08.00 - 16.00 Monday - Friday 
09.00 - 16.30  Saturday - Sunday

Some occasional exhibitions of fine art take place at the NBS-MMM's gallery grounds in the neighborhood of the burghers' house. Artists from throughout Slovakia and from abroad, but also artists more or less bound-up with Kremnica present their own creations here. The tour of the so called green room with saturated paintings from 16th century is also remarkable

Štefánikovo nám. 33/40
Tel: +421 (0)45 / 6743261
09.00 - 16.00 Monday - Sunday
