Route 0801 - Route of Heroes of SNU (Slovak National Uprising)
It enters Kremnica area from saddle pod Vysokou, from western direction above village Kunešov. The trail goes through the village along the road to Kremnicke Bane. It turns here towards to St. John the Baptist Church (geographical center of Europe). It continues to upper end of village Krahule, to tourist and skiing center and through meadows above ski-lifts it goes up to tourist and skiing recreational center Skalka. From there it continues along the Zlatá cesta (Golden Pathway) to Tunel saddle, where red symbol marked trail hooks up - ridge route. Here the Route of Heroes of SNU exits the region and leads to saddle Malý Šturec.
Route 0803
It starts from saddle Tunel, continues underneath TV broadcaster and via Bystrické saddle and Králické saddle continues to saddle Tri kríže (significant tourist crossroad). It exits Kremnica region here, leads to Rudná Poľana and ends up in Kováčova.
Route 2619
It starts from Horná Ves, goes through the town of Kremnica, it continues along Angyal and Bystricka Streets, up to the student dormitory of School of Applied Arts. About 150m behind the dormitory it exits valley and continues to the right through Vejmutovkov undergrowth. Above the nature reserve with occurrence of two-tone saffron on Bujačia Lúka, it goes up to chalet Hostinec (not in operation) and further to saddle Tri kríže. It exits the region here.
Route 2618
It starts from recreational center Toliar, goes through underpass, by Píla (Saw-Mill). It crosses bridge on the left and leads to tourist and skiing recreational center Krahule - upper end. It ends here on tourist trail of Route of Heroes of SNU.
Route 5521
It starts from recreational center Toliar, goes through underpass, by Píla. It turns to the right, continues along valley about 3km, it ascends sharply up to tourist chalet Hostinec, where it exits the region. It leads to Chlm and ends up in Ihráč.
Route 5520
It starts from Partizánska Valley by Obrázok (Picture). It continues along the road to Skalka. On Dobrá jama in left turn curve (there is spring of water nearby the road) it exits the road and turns to the right to small valley. It sharply ascends up to Králické saddle, where exits the region. It leads to Chalet above Králiky and ends up in Banská Bystrica.
Route 2620
It starts from Chalet in Skalka, goes through parking lot and after about 2km it hooks up on red trail - ridge route in Bystrické saddle.
Route 8441
It starts from Community Center in Kremnica and continues to Partizánska Valley to recreational center Toliar. It continues by Píla to point Obrázok. It exits asphalt road here and along the so called old pathway on the left ascends up to Chalet in Skalka. Here it hooks up to red trail and together with it continues to Tunel.
Route 8521
It starts from Community Center in Kremnica and continues to east, around post office to railway track. It crosses the track and goes up to Kremnický štít. It continues through meadows (difficult orientation) to Trojičná lúka (Trinity Meadow), where the trail turns to the right to valley Biely potok (White Stream) and through valley to village Nevoľné. From there it continues to valley Hanová to village Horná Ves. The route ends here.
Route 8520
It is a connecting trail from ridge of Velastúr to Chalet Hostinec.
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